Software Development
hmw-consulting is available for software development projects primarily in C, Erlang, Perl and Python, related to the Areas of Expertise.
The primary focus area and interest is to work on Free / Open Source Software projects, in compliance with their respective licenses.
Extending Free/Open Source Software
Development projects for entirely new stand-alone projects can be done by any developer sufficiently skilled in the technical domain.
However, modifications or extensions of existing Free / Open Source Software projects can be more tricky: The respective culture of the project has to be respected in terms of:
- coding style
- code architecture
- review process (patchwork, gerrit, ...)
- revision control system (cvs, svn, git, hg, bzr, ...)
- communication and interaction on mailing lists
hmw-consulting founder Harald Welte has 20 years of involvement in various Free / Open Source software projects and can thus ensure that the given new extension/modification is on the best possible track for acceptance / merging by the project maintainer.
Electronics Development
hmw-consulting is available for electronics engineering projects in a variety of areas, including
- deeply embedded devices (8051, AVR, ARM7, Cortex-M)
- Embedded Linux devices (ARM, using SoM or SoC)
- M2M / telematics devices
- Radio receivers / transceiver modules (AIS, ADS-B, GNSS, VHF, UHF, HF)
- GSM/UMTS/LTE Mobile communications modules (Sierra Wireless, Gemalto, Quectel)
hmw-consulting can work on both the EE and the Software side of a project, applying a holistic approach and ensuring there is no impedance mismatch between the electrical engineer and the software engineer.